At 3 April 20206.57.313.8
Charged during the period14.611.33.429.3
Reclassification from accruals*9.09.0
Utilised during the period(2.5)(4.7)(7.2)
Released during the period(0.5)(4.9)(5.4)
At 2 April 202127.19.03.439.5
Analysed as:
Current liabilities13.67.53.424.5
Non-current liabilities13.51.515.0

*The reclassification corrects an error in the presentation of the Cycle Republic closure costs provision as at 3 April 2020. £9.0m has been reclassified during the year from accruals and other deferred income to provisions, which mostly relates to costs associated with property leases that have become onerous as a result of the closures and will be utilised over the residual remaining lease term. The average remaining lease term was 4.9 years.

The reclassification has no effect on net assets but serves to reduce current liabilities, and increase non-current liabilities by £5.1m resulting in an increase to net current assets of £5.1m owing to the ageing of the balance.

Management considered a number of factors in assessing whether this classification was material and took into account that it did not affect net assets, the income statement, covenants, ratios used to evaluate the entity's financial position and results, and does not affect other information included in the entity's Annual report that may reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of the users of the financial statements. It was therefore concluded that the misclassification was not considered material.

Property-related provisions consist of costs associated wear and tear incurred on leasehold properties, other ongoing onerous commitments associated with property leases (excluding rent), and costs related to the exit of closed stores. The property related provisions will be utilised over the average remaining lease term of 3.9 years.

Other trading provisions comprise a sales returns provision and an employer/product liability provision (of which £1.5m is expected to be realised in >12 months) and provision for unused gift vouchers in issue.

Other provisions comprise an amount payable to HMRC in relation to the national minimum wage investigation (see estimates and judgements accounting policy for further details).